Jim Lamb
Headlands - Point Arenas, 2019
14" x 28"
$ 5000.00
Jim Lamb, Headlands - Point Arenas, 2019
The numerous rock outcroppings in Point Arenas provide the perfect vantage points for painting majestic views of the ocean and cliffs. “Headlands” is an intimate view of the rock/cliff lands of Point Arenas. The painting is similar to many of Jim Lamb’s impressionistic coastal scenes compositionally, with a focus on the crashing sea. However, “Headlands” is a particularly unique work in that it allows the viewer to be virtually transported to the painter's side as he sits above the cliffs capturing the scene. One can almost hear the surf crashing.
The numerous rock outcroppings in Point Arenas provide the perfect vantage points for painting majestic views of the ocean and cliffs. “Headlands” is an intimate view of the rock/cliff lands of Point Arenas. The painting is similar to many of Jim Lamb’s impressionistic coastal scenes compositionally, with a focus on the crashing sea. However, “Headlands” is a particularly unique work in that it allows the viewer to be virtually transported to the painter's side as he sits above the cliffs capturing the scene. One can almost hear the surf crashing.
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